
I am Deepika, a senior product designer with 4.5+ years of core design experience, and a background in front-end development.

Looking for someone who could design a riveting, elegant, modern yet practical interfaces for you? Here’s a secret, shhh.. you’ve found the one! It’s me! Surprise! But on a serious note, it’s still me and I mean it!

Still wondering? Checkout my portfolio, my experience and then contact me, I’m positive that we’d work great together!

Let's get to know me better.


I’m into photography too!

Check it out

A glimpse into my journey

I’d confess that I was one of those who tweak even the smallest things to make the end result perfect. I still love to go through numerous fonts, colors, adjustments to make it right, and I’ve been doing this since forever. Even when I was in school I wanted my submissions to be just flawless. No, it didn’t always work in my favor, it took time, it took energy, sometimes I had been working till the very end of the deadline.

But as the famous saying “practice makes the wo-man perfect”, I did get better. Working with teammates is definitely very different from working alone. I believed in Batman’s choice of working solo, but when I started to work in a team, it opened a new domain of collaboration. Even though I had to alter my designs sometimes, I knew it was always essential to get everyone’s feedback, after all my focus is to create a 'user-centric design'!

I’d say my inspiration is nature, have you ever just taken a seat and glanced at it? It’s just so complex yet so soothing, so many essential things put together beautifully that it looks so simple. That’s what I aim to achieve in my designs. Like nature, I also want to provide my users with the best experience possible, and to do that I always work towards understanding my users, what their needs are and not just wants, how easy can I make their journeys, and how fast they can achieve their goals. A happy user does brighten my day!

I started with HTML, CSS when I was in school and I can’t explain the joy! I was creating something in front of my eyes! Interface designing is such a delight, I can position things, I can control user’s flow, I can use various colors, fonts, media content, animations, and whatnot, and the satisfaction of everything aligning itself when the device width changes are just unmatchable!

I’m a practical person, if I realise that something should be done in a particular way, I’d do it in that way but then as per need I’ll not hesitate in trying something different. And that’s how one achieves an exclusive design!

If you feel like discussing designs or trends or want to see a few of my clicks (yes I’m into capturing those natural moments as well!) I’d love to get in touch!